Development Program

- Refereeing traditional Sepak Takraw matches are very similar to refereeing volleyball (and actually easier), so anyone that is familiar the game of volleyball, or familiar with refereeing volleyball, will quickly and easily adapt to how to referee the game of Sepak Takraw. If not familiar with volleyball, Sepak Takraw is still a very easy game for anyone to understand and quickly learn how to officiate.
- Only STAS “CLUB MEMBERS” can HOST a Referee Course, and the Course MUST be a STAS-sanctioned event, which means that the Club must submit a “Tournament or Event Hosting/Sanctioning Application Form” (Appendix 1 of the “Tournament Hosting/Sanctioning Policy & Procedures” section of the Policies & Procedures Manual) with a $50 Sanctioning Fee at least 3 weeks prior to the target host date … unless the Club Member just hosted a full day of Sepak Takraw Clinics, in which case , the Sanctioning Fee is WAVED if the course is held on the same or consecutive day of the clinic, but they still must fill out and submit the Sanctioning Application Form.
- Referee Courses are FREE for Individual Members to participate in; however each participant must purchase a CURRENT COPY of the Official Rule Book that includes the section, “Game Protocol, A Referee’s Guide”, at the time of taking the course.
- To maintain their Referee status, because rules are always evolving and because memberships and certifications expire annually, EVERY YEAR REFEREES MUST:
- Renew their individual membership;
- Re-take the referee course;
- Re-write the referee exam;
- Re-register their current referee status.
- Any School, Association or Group interested in hosting a Referee Clinic should contact the STAS office as soon as possible, but no later than 3 weeks prior to the target course date.
- The first step for anyone to become a Sepak Takraw Certified Referee is to become an Individual Member of STAS. Anyone that is not an Individual Member will not be accepted to take a Referee Course.
- Once a member becomes a Certified Referee, they will be immediately added to the STAS list of Referees for their area, and may be called upon to referee STAS-sanctioned league and/or tournament Sepak Takraw matches that take place in or near their city or town.
- STAS-certified, registered referees can NOT participate in NON-SANCTIONED leagues, tournaments or events unless they have received permission from the STAS Office.
- Any STAS-certified, registered referees that participates in a non-sanctioned leagues, tournaments or events can LOSE their Referee Certification status, be fined, or worse.
- Hosts of Sanctioned Tournaments/Events must contact the STAS Office three weeks prior to the tournament date to arrange for referees.
- All Referees used at STAS-Sanctioned Tournament/Events MUST be STAS-certified and currently registered with Sepak Takraw Saskatchewan.
- All Referees are evaluated after refereeing the minimum number of matches necessary before advancing on to the next level. If a Referee will not be advancing in a given year, they are still evaluated each year.
- All representatives of STAS need to be 100% supportive of all Referees publicly. It is asked that any concerns about any STAS Referees be written and sent to the STAS office with “Attention to:” being the Officiating Committee and the Provincial Technical Director.
- Information on officials will only be given to leagues when specific areas of concern are documented and addressed to the Officiating Committee & Provincial Technical Director, and information will only be specific to the problem addressed.
- Level of Referees information is available on request.